Getting Started


Download HKWHub iOS app

  • Go to the Harman Developer web site and click on Developer Tools > Download SDK > iOS > Sample Apps.
  • Find the HKWHub App and download it.

Prepare your router so that the HKWHub app can handle REST requests

  • Configure your router’s DMZ host to be the IP address that is displayed on the HKWHub app’s home page.

Register for a free SmartThings developer account

  • Go to the SmartThings web site, click on “Getting Started”, and follow the brief SmartThings tutorial.

Incorporate the HKWirelessHD speaker Device Handler and Service Manager into your account

  • Create a Device Handler called HKSpeaker and paste the contents of HKSpeaker.groovy into it.
    • Publish this Device Handler for yourself in “My Apps”
  • Create a SmartApp called HKServiceManager and paste the contents of HKServiceManager.groovy into it.
    • Configure the Service Manager’s ipAddress setting to be your router’s public IP address (which you can find by googling “my ip address” from the device running the HKWHub app).
    • Publish this Service Manager for yourself in “My Apps”

Now you should be able to create your own SmartApps that incorporate HKWirelessHD compatible speakers! In the SmartThings app on your phone, you can press the “+” symbol and scroll all the way to the right to My Apps to download the HK Service Manager. When you open the Service Manager, you should be walked through a process to select which HKWirelessHD compatible speakers you want to connect to SmartThings. Once you’ve installed the Service Manager (by clicking “Done”), you will see HKWirelessHD speakers in your list of devices, and you should be able to control them from that interface.

The Service Manager has now incorporated your HKWirelessHD speakers into the SmartThings platform as musicPlayers, which have the capabilities defined in the SmartThings documentation under Music Player.

Creating a Sample SmartApp

In this section we will explain how to create a SmartApp that incorporates an HKWirelessHD device. We will create a simple SmartApp called “Welcome Home,” that will play a song when a door is opened.

Step 1: Create a new SmartApp

Go to your developer environment page, and create a new SmartApp.

Step 2: Select the Contact Sensor and Speaker

In the preferences definition, create sections for the user to select a contactSensor and a musicPlayer:

preferences {
        // Select the contact sensor
        section ("Which contact sensor?") {
                input "contact", "capability.contactSensor", title: "Which?"
        // Select the speaker
        section ("Which HK Speaker?") {
                input "speaker", "capability.musicPlayer", title: "Which?"

Step 3: Subscribe to Event

In the initialize method, subscribe to the contactSensor:

def initialize() {
        subscribe(contact, "contact", contactHandler)

Step 4: Define the event handler

Create a new method to handle the contact event:

def contactHandler(evt) {
        log.debug "door ${evt.value}"

        // If the door is open, play a song
        if (evt.value == "open") {

Step 5: Publish it and test it

Publish your SmartApp for yourself and see if it works!